Installer HHVM dans ispconfig sur ubuntu 12.04
Adding HHVM support for ISPConfig on Ubuntu 12.04
1st of all check that PHP5-FPM and suexec are installed on your server, if not you can do this AFTER installing ISPConfig
apt-get install apache2-mpm-worker apache2-suexec php5-cgi libapache2-mod-fcgid a2enmod fcgid a2enmod suexec
2 – Install HHVM
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mapnik/boost wget -O – | sudo apt-key add - echo deb precise main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hhvm.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hhvm
3 – ISPConfig Modifications
in /interface/web/sites/form/web_domain.tform.php
Add :
'hhvm' => 'HHVM Over PHP-FPM'
In the ‘value’ sub-array of this block :
'php' => array ( 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR', 'formtype' => 'SELECT', 'default' => 'fast-cgi', 'valuelimit' => 'client:web_php_options', 'value' => array('no' => 'disabled_txt', 'fast-cgi' => 'Fast-CGI', 'cgi' => 'CGI', 'mod' => 'Mod-PHP', 'suphp' => 'SuPHP', 'php-fpm' => 'PHP-FPM'), 'searchable' => 2 )
so the line will look like :
'value' => array('no' => 'disabled_txt', 'fast-cgi' => 'Fast-CGI', 'cgi' => 'CGI', 'mod' => 'Mod-PHP', 'suphp' => 'SuPHP', 'php-fpm' => 'PHP-FPM', 'hhvm' => 'HHVM Over PHP-FPM'),
4 – in /server/conf/vhost.conf.master
after :
after <tmpl_if name='php' op='==' value='php-fpm'> <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
Add :
<tmpl_if name='php' op='==' value='hhvm'> <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> <Directory {tmpl_var name='document_root'}/cgi-bin> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> AddHandler php5-fcgi .php Action php5-fcgi /php5-fcgi Alias /php5-fcgi {tmpl_var name='document_root'}/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-{tmpl_var name='ip_address'}-{tmpl_var name='port'}-{tmpl_var name='domain'} <tmpl_if name='use_tcp'> FastCgiExternalServer {tmpl_var name='document_root'}/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-{tmpl_var name='ip_address'}-{tmpl_var name='port'}-{tmpl_var name='domain'} -idle-timeout 300 -host<tmpl_var name='hhvm_port'> -pass-header Authorization </tmpl_if> <tmpl_if name='use_socket'> FastCgiExternalServer {tmpl_var name='document_root'}/cgi-bin/php5-fcgi-{tmpl_var name='ip_address'}-{tmpl_var name='port'}-{tmpl_var name='domain'} -idle-timeout 300 -socket <tmpl_var name='hhvm_socket'> -pass-header Authorization </tmpl_if> </IfModule> </tmpl_if>
Change this :
<tmpl_if name='php' op='==' value='php-fpm'> DocumentRoot <tmpl_var name='web_document_root'> </tmpl_else> DocumentRoot <tmpl_var name='web_document_root_www'> </tmpl_if>
into this :
<tmpl_if name='php' op='==' value='php-fpm'> DocumentRoot <tmpl_var name='web_document_root'> </tmpl_else> <tmpl_if name='php' op='==' value='hhvm'> DocumentRoot <tmpl_var name='web_document_root'> </tmpl_else> DocumentRoot <tmpl_var name='web_document_root_www'> </tmpl_if> </tmpl_if>
5 – server/plugins-avaialble/
add this method inside the class :
function hhvm_upstart($web_config){ global $app,$conf; // create upstart script //clear service_pool in mysql $script_content = '#!/bin/bashmysql –user="'.$conf['db_user'].’” –password=”‘.$conf['db_password'].’” –database=”‘.$conf['db_database'].'" –execute="DELETE FROM service_pool"'."nn"; $upstart_services = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE type='vhost' and php = 'hhvm'"); file_put_contents('/tmp/isp/t.txt', print_r($upstart_services,true)); if(is_array($upstart_services) && !empty($upstart_services)){ foreach ($upstart_services as $service){ $script_content .= 'cd '.$service['document_root']."n"; $port = '2' . ($web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $service['domain_id'] – 1); // get the hhvm port $script_content .= 'hhvm –mode server -vServer.Type=fastcgi -vServer.Port=' . $port . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 & PID=$!; '."n"; $script_content .= 'mysql –user="'.$conf['db_user'].’” –password=”‘.$conf['db_password'].’” –database=”‘.$conf['db_database'].’” –execute=”INSERT INTO service_pool (service_type,server_id,service_pid) VALUES (’hhvm’ ,”.$service['domain_id'].'', '$PID')"'."n"; } } file_put_contents('/etc/init.d/', $script_content); exec('chmod +x /etc/init.d/'); exec('update-rc.d defaults'); }
add this line to the end of update() method :
After :
$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.sock'; $tpl->setVar('fpm_socket', $fpm_socket); $tpl->setVar('fpm_port', $web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] – 1);
Add :
$hhvm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.hhvm.sock'; $tpl->setVar('hhvm_socket', $hhvm_socket); $tpl->setVar('hhvm_port', '2' . ($web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] – 1));
Replace :
if($data['new']['php'] == 'php-fpm'){
With :
if($data['new']['php'] == ‘php-fpm’ || $data['new']['php'] == 'hhvm'){
Replace :
if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ” && $data['old']['php'] == 'php-fpm'){
With :
if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ” && ($data['old']['php'] == ‘php-fpm’ || $data['new']['php'] == 'hhvm')){
Replace :
if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ” && $data['old']['php'] == 'php-fpm'){
With :
if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ” && ($data['old']['php'] == ‘php-fpm’ || $data['new']['php'] == 'hhvm')){
in the end of method « php_fpm_pool_update » add :
//Remove all hhvm instances $old_services = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM service_pool WHERE service_type = 'hhvm' AND server_id = '".$data['new']['domain_id']."'"); if(is_array($old_services) && !empty($old_services)){ foreach ($old_services as $old_service){ exec("kill -9 ".$old_service['service_pid']); } } $app->db->query("DELETE FROM service_pool WHERE service_type = 'hhvm' AND server_id = '".$data['new']['domain_id']."'");$tmpCurDir = __DIR__; // store the current cirectory chdir($data['new']['document_root']); // change to the document root as HHVM needs to be run from there// start a fresh hhvm instance $port = '2' . ($web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] – 1); // get the hhvm port $command = 'hhvm –mode server -vServer.Type=fastcgi -vServer.Port=' . $port . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!; '; $pid = exec($command, $output);$app->db->query("INSERT INTO service_pool (service_type,server_id,service_pid) VALUES ('hhvm' ,'".$data['new']['domain_id']."', '".$pid."')");
6 – in /interface/web/sites/templates/web_domain_edit.htm
Replace :
if(jQuery('#php').val() == 'fast-cgi' || jQuery('#php').val() == 'php-fpm'){
With :
if(jQuery('#php').val() == 'fast-cgi' || jQuery('#php').val() == 'php-fpm' || jQuery('#php').val() == 'hhvm'){
Replace :
if(jQuery(this).val() == 'fast-cgi' || jQuery(this).val() == 'php-fpm'){
With :
if(jQuery(this).val() == 'fast-cgi' || jQuery(this).val() == 'php-fpm' || jQuery(this).val() == 'hhvm'){
7 – Create the following table in the ISPConfig database :
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `service_pool` ( `service_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `service_type` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `service_pid` int(11) NOT NULL, `server_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`service_id`), KEY `service_type` (`service_type`), KEY `server_id` (`server_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
Hopy this will help you out guys ! Enjoy !
sources :